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Sativa products usually come with a cerebral feeling. Traditionally, sativa strains are more uplifting and euphoric and are recommended for daytime use. A hybrid is a cannabis plant that is a crossbreed between an indica and a sativa plant. ... There are also hybrid strains that are a relatively even indica/sativa split.

sativa indica high breed

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  • As a medicinal cannabis patient you’ve likely heard the terms “indica,” “sativa,” or “hybrid.”. Patients often find themselves wondering what these terms mean, what the differences are between them and how they work from a medicinal standpoint

    Originally, there were two primary types of cannabis plants known as “cannabis indica” and “cannabis sativa”.  After generations of crossbreeding it is rare to find a pure indica or pure sativa strain. Instead, most strains of cannabis are now indica dominant, sativa dominant or hybrid. As expected, different plant genetics may lead to different medicinal effects.

  • 100 percent refundable if products do not meet your expection which is very rare 

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